Tag: In Touch

  • Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of God’s Timing

    Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of God’s Timing

    We won’t always understand God’s timing, so we have to trust that it is best for us. Source: Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of God’s Timing

  • The Landmine of Jealousy

    The Landmine of Jealousy

    Jealousy has damaging effects, but prayer can help us heal. Source: The Landmine of Jealousy

  • Experiencing a Faith Failure

    Experiencing a Faith Failure

    In this important message, Dr. Stanley shows us what a faith failure looks like. The Israelites paid a heavy price when they listened to the fearful report of their spies instead of believing God and following Joshua and Caleb into the land of Canaan. Learn five reasons why our trust in God wavers, and be…

  • Understanding the Call of God – Part 2

    Understanding the Call of God – Part 2

    To whom does God speak? Only pastors, missionaries, and those who work in churches? No. He speaks to all of us. In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about the four types of calls that God issues to His people: salvation, sanctification, service, and accountability. The question isn’t, is God calling me? It’s, am I listening?…

  • The Law of Sin and Death

    The Law of Sin and Death

    Once God has opened our eyes to the nature of sin, we often just want it to go away. But the fact is, we’ve got to fight it every day. Find out how important it is to be vigilant. God doesn’t just offer forgiveness and eternal life. He provides the power to live right, right…

  • Jesus Is Lord

    Jesus Is Lord

    Jesus is not like other lords; under His authority, there is freedom. Source: Jesus Is Lord

  • Obeying God

    Obeying God

    We’re not wise enough to understand God’s reasoning, so obeying His instructions requires our trust. Source: Obeying God

  • A Life of Dependence

    A Life of Dependence

    It’s common to hear that God helps those who help themselves. In fact, Scripture teaches just the opposite. We are dependent on Him for everything, including the desire to reach out for His assistance. Enjoy a life of confidence in Christ. Your weakness is the starting point for His supernatural strength. Source: A Life of…

  • The Liberated Life – Part 2

    The Liberated Life – Part 2

    We naturally cherish our freedom and want to defend it. But it’s possible to have physical liberty and still suffer behind invisible prison bars. Jesus came to release us from every kind of emotional and spiritual bondage. You can be set free from unseen chains. Recognizing them is the first step. Source: The Liberated Life…

  • The Joy of Obedience

    The Joy of Obedience

    Obeying God may not always seem logical but is always worth it. Source: The Joy of Obedience