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Universities finally realize that Java is a bad introductory programming language

What’s this “public static void” crap?

Source: Universities finally realize that Java is a bad introductory programming language

An interesting development.

I do agree somewhat that using JavaScript as a first programming language since you can use it without a compiler/interpreter installed on your computer, just a web browser.

And despite the close names, Java and Javascript are not even close in syntax.

But it can get complicated very quickly when you start adding different libraries and frameworks to the code.

Also, with an untyped language like JavaScript, it’s easy for new coders to develop bad habits.

Sometimes a more wordy language can be better for new coders since they can more easily see and understand what someone else’s code is doing.  The code should be “self-documenting.”  By that, I mean that you should be able to look at a function and with descriptive variable names and proper white space, be able to tell what the function does.  A problem with including comments in code is that the comments quickly become outdated and incorrect.

I may be a tad biased since my background and day job is with Cobol, but once you learn the basic syntax of any language, it should become clear what each reserved word does, and it’s meaning.

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