Tag: Java

  • Programming in a “foreign” language

    [Update] Added a paragraph about Dash API documentation browser app. When I say foreign language, I’m not talking Spanish, German, Chinese, etc. but a programming language that you don’t use on a day-to-day basis. My “native” programming language is Cobol (COmmon Business Oriented Language).  I’ve been programming in it my entire professional career of over…

  • Universities finally realize that Java is a bad introductory programming language

    What’s this “public static void” crap? Source: Universities finally realize that Java is a bad introductory programming language An interesting development. I do agree somewhat that using JavaScript as a first programming language since you can use it without a compiler/interpreter installed on your computer, just a web browser. And despite the close names, Java and…

  • 10 Best Java IDEs of All Time

    10 Best Java IDEs of All Time. I use IntelliJ IDEA and really like it. It can also be used for writing HTML, CSS, JavaScript and many other languages.  It has many available plug-ins and is fairly customizable.