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Living with Apple Watch

I’ve had my Apple Watch for about 10 1/2 months and I have to say I’ve really enjoyed using it.  It is great for getting notifications from my iPhone so I don’t need to pull out my phone for social media, e-mail, sports, news or weather updates.

But one of the features I didn’t think I’d use I find very compelling – the Activity app.  It feels so good to complete the circles.

I can quickly glance at my watch and see how I am doing as far as meeting my goals.  The watch will also give me progress updates through out the day.

The outer red ring is the move ring and is based on the calories burned by your movement.  Each Monday the watch will provide feedback with how you did in the previous week at meeting your goal and allows you to set the goal for the week ahead.

The green ring is for your workout activity such as running, walking, etc.  I usually don’t meet this goal.

The blue inner ring is for standing at least once an hour and if you stand once in 12 hours you’ll complete that ring.

On the phone there is a corresponding activity app which allows you to track your achievements as well as see how you’ve done at filling the rings.

Filling the move and standing rings is easy at work, but if I stay home, then it is much harder.  I am currently on a 22 day streak of meeting the move goal.  In fact, to keep it going, I was playing Wii Bowling at 10 PM just so that I’d complete the goal.

While the Apple Watch is pricey for just getting your phone notifications, especially when you can get a Pebble smart watch for that purpose, which also has health features to monitor your sleep and steps.  I really feel the Apple Watch is worth it for the fitness and other features it has.  You can get the Apple Watch Sport starting at $299.  You do need an iPhone though in order to take advantage of it, unlike the Pebble watch which can be paired to either an iOS or Android device.and starts at $99.

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