Tag: sermon
The Problem of Heaven
What if we get to heaven–and we don’t like it? Source: The Problem of Heaven
Is There Really a Hell?
November 4, 2018 Pastor Mark Jeske There are many theories and beliefs about hell, but there is only one authority on the subject—God and his Word. The Bible reveals that hell is a real place. Your faith in Jesus is extremely valuable because through him you are saved. This is important news to tell others!…
The Attractive Quality of Kindness
In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches on the irresistible nature of tenderheartedness, both how God demonstrates such a quality toward us and how we should imitate Him in our earthly relationships. Lean into His unfailing kindness and watch how it multiplies in your own life, testifying to everyone around you of the goodness of God.…
Encouragement For the Troubled Heart – Part 2
Do you ever think about the fact that God is your encourager? The way you see God will influence the way you relate to Him and the manner in which you approach the hardships you’re facing. Know that He is with you, loving and teaching you through all of your defeats and victories. Source: Encouragement…
God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibility – Joyce Meyer Ministries TV Podcast
Why do so many people waste time being bitter, trying to get revenge? Today, Joyce shares how get better results. Source: God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibility – Joyce Meyer Ministries TV Podcast
The Challenge of Forgiving Ourselves
In order to experience full forgiveness, we must learn to forgive ourselves. Source: The Challenge of Forgiving Ourselves
Love God, Yourself and Others as You Live by Grace – Joyce Meyer Ministries TV Podcast
It can be so frustrating when things don’t go our way. Today, Joyce shares how to stay in peace and joy as you go about your day. Source: Love God, Yourself and Others as You Live by Grace – Joyce Meyer Ministries TV Podcast
Forgiving Hurts We Don’t Deserve – Part 2
Has somebody hurt you—yesterday, a year ago, a lifetime ago? You didn’t deserve it, and you can’t forget it. The pain remains in your heart and memory, stuck there like concrete. And just when you think it’s all over and gone, it crops back up again. In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about what it…
Providing Refuge in Central America – Joyce Meyer Ministries TV Podcast
Poverty and violence are a daily reality in Central America. Learn how you are bringing hope, health and safety to people in El Salvador and Nicaragua. Source: Providing Refuge in Central America – Joyce Meyer Ministries TV Podcast
Forgiving Hurts We Don’t Deserve – Part 1
Has somebody hurt you—yesterday, a year ago, a lifetime ago? You didn’t deserve it, and you can’t forget it. The pain remains in your heart and memory, stuck there like concrete. And just when you think it’s all over and gone, it crops back up again. In this message, Dr. Stanley talks about what it…