Tag: Lutheran Hour

  • My Delight Is in Her

    My Delight Is in Her

    As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, God rejoices over you. This week we explore our new name and identity as the bride of Christ. Source: My Delight Is in Her

  • Reason to Believe

    Reason to Believe

    Do you have a reason to believe that everyone should believe what you believe? John did. Come and see. Source: Reason to Believe

  • The Word Turned Toward

    The Word Turned Toward

    People use their words to build bonds of trust with people they love. In Jesus, God does the same-He turns His Word toward us. Source: The Word Turned Toward

  • A Long Good-Bye

    A Long Good-Bye

    As the year come to a close, we likely have regrets and guilt. We can beat ourselves up over work left undone, but Jesus Christ has assured us that He is your hope. His grace is more than sufficient to take us into another year and give us peace. Source: A Long Good-Bye

  • The King’s Strength

    The King’s Strength

    A true king’s strength is seen, not in vaults and arsenals, but in the loyalty of his people. We celebrate the birth of the King who won the victory, not by taxing his subjects and killing his enemies, but by serving, loving and dying for them. Source: The King’s Strength

  • In Anxious Times, Rejoice!

    In Anxious Times, Rejoice!

    Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. With anxiety on the rise, the Apostle Paul’s call to “rejoice always” seems all but unobtainable. While there are many helpful ways to cope with society’s increasing anxiety, Source: In Anxious Times, Rejoice!

  • Redeemer with a Capital R

    Redeemer with a Capital R

    When people use the word “redeem” outside of religious context, they tend to use it in a commercial sense, redeeming points from purchases or casino tokens for cash. In the Bible, the word “redeem” is used in a family setting. In the story of Ruth, Boaz is Source: Redeemer with a Capital R

  • Reality Therapy

    Reality Therapy

    The book of Ruth deals with unimportant people and unimportant matters, but deals with them in such a way as to show that God is active in ordinary lives-like yours and mine. Ruth’s story became an important part of the story of Jesus. Listening to God’s Source: Reality Therapy

  • Birth Pains

    Birth Pains

    A message by Michael Ziegler for The Lutheran Hour Based on Mark 13:1-37 Source: Birth Pains

  • Once And For All

    Once And For All

    Rev. Dr. Tony Cook shares God’s message of forgiveness–“In Jesus, our Great High Priest, we have found the perfect and permanent solution to our separation and sin.” Source: Once And For All