Tag: Lutheran Hour
The Lutheran Hour :: A Living Hope for a ‘Dead as Doornails’ World
The assurance of Christ’s resurrection turns wonder into reality and gives us an eternal hope. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8434US_Apr23.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: Empty Tomb Hope!
On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, not to set up an earthly kingdom but to overcome sin and death–for us. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8433US_Apr16.mp3
The Lutheran Hour: Humble Strength for Eternal Salvation
Jesus frees you to be the person you were created, redeemed, and called to be. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8432US_Apr09.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: “Freedom in the Spirit”
God can use our troubles and crosses for a higher purpose that we may not understand until we reach heaven. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8431US_Apr02.mp3
The Lutheran Hour:”God’s Got It In For Me”
Jesus is determined to meet you today with the water of grace only He can give. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8430US_Mar26.mp3
The Lutheran Hour : “A Well That Runs Deep Because You Need It”
Real help comes to us from the outside. In Christ, new beginnings and greater endings are still possible. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8429US_Mar19.mp3
The Lutheran Hour: The Power of a New Beginning
Satan is a bully, but Jesus is the Savior Who fights for you. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8428US_Mar12.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: A Savior Who Fights for You!
A guilty conscience accuses; a forgiving Savior brings peace to troubled hearts. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8427US_Mar05.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: “Guilt’s Gone”
God calls us to love and forgive our enemies the way He loves and forgives us. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8426US_Feb26.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: Love Your Enemies–Jesus Does!
Even as the world becomes a meaner, angrier place, God calls us to share His life with others. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries