Tag: Lutheran Hour
The Lutheran Hour :: Who’s the Greatest?
Jesus redefined greatness. He came, not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8502US_Sep10.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: Finding Life in Jesus’ Steps
Take joy in the gift of being a follower of Christ who is willing to take His lead and be ordered by His steps. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8501US_Sep03.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: Absolutely Nothing
Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8452US_Aug27.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: God’s Dog
Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8451US_Aug20.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: Looking for a Good Speaker
Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8450US_Aug13.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: On Thee the High and Lowly
No matter what life throws our way, God promises that His eternal purposes can never be thwarted. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8449US_Aug06.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: Confidence to Face Whatever Comes Our Way
Despite all the world’s brokenness, God has something better in store for us, through Christ. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8448US_Jul30.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: Overcoming This World’s Obstacles
God provides for your adoption into His family, by grace through faith in Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8447US_Jul23.mp3
The Lutheran Hour :: The Power of a Spirit-Given Adoption!
Life out of control? Turn to God in repentance and faith. Let Him act before you do. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries
The Lutheran Hour :: Living as Christ’s Person in Repentance and Faith
Because Christ has paid our debt, we are no longer captive to sin but are free to live for others, in His name. Source: The Lutheran Hour :: Lutheran Hour Ministries http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8445US_Jul09.mp3