Tag: Lutheran Hour

  • It’s Really Real

    It takes a lot to overcome fear, a lot of words, in fact a lifetime of words. Let this Easter Day be a new beginning of trusting Jesus’ words of resurrection and life! Source: It’s Really Real http://media.lhm.org/lutheranhour/mp3s/big/8532.mp3

  • They Were Afraid, You Know?

    It takes a lot to overcome fear, a lot of words, in fact a lifetime of words. Let this Easter Day be a new beginning of trusting Jesus’ words of resurrection and life! Source: They Were Afraid, You Know? http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8531US_Apr01.mp3

  • And They Crucified Him

    The desire to advance your own interests can alienate you from others and God. Serving others without thought of reward is God’s way forward for followers of Jesus. Source: And They Crucified Him http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8530US_Mar25.mp3

  • Thrown into the Arms of God

    Some things just work better in the dark. You know, things like watching for shooting stars and getting a good night’s sleep or dreaming about the future. People love the darkness for a lot of reasons, and not all of them are good. Source: Thrown into the Arms of God http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8529US_Mar18.mp3

  • Condemned Already

    When times are darkest, God wants you to know how close He really is. It’s in those threatening times that you can especially learn and live in His love. Source: Condemned Already http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8528US_Mar11.mp3

  • When God’s Darkness Surrounds You

    Looking at sinful mankind, Jesus found what he was willing to die, and to live for. Are we willing to do the same? Source: When God’s Darkness Surrounds You http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8527US_Mar04.mp3

  • Living and Dying

    Lent calls us to take deep into our being the life-changing words of God. The result? Obedience, changes in desires, and blessings. Looking at sinful mankind, Jesus found what he was willing to die, and to live for. Are we willing to do the same? Source: Living and Dying http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8526US_Feb25.mp3

  • Pay Attention to What You Hear

    Would you rather be blind or visioned? That’s an easy one. But, how does a spiritually blind person become seeing Source: Pay Attention to What You Hear http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8525US_Feb18.mp3

  • But Now I See

    There’s much in science that witnesses to God. Dr. Meyer says telescopes and microscopes can further evangelism more than soap boxes. Source: But Now I See http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8524US_Feb11.mp3

  • Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these?

    Many have pretended to be the Messiah. In today’s text, Jesus authority is recognized and obeyed by His competition. Source: Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? http://media.lhm.org/lhm/podcasts/LH8523US_Feb04.mp3