Tag: Grace Talks
How to Deal With Family Dysfunction: Jealousy – YouTube
Do you find yourself wishing you had something someone else has? Maybe it’s not money but a healthy relationship, good health, or a dependable job? Learn how to push that envy aside in today’s Grace Talks video. Why do we envy? Just remember that we already have what we need.
How to Deal With Family Dysfunction: Favoritism – YouTube
Jesus was an awesome example for all of us for how to love each other equally and not choose favorites. Here’s how you can avoid looking like you’re playing favorites with your kids.
How to Deal With Family Dysfunction: Lies and Deception – YouTube
Lies truly hurt, and they can destroy relationships and families. Pastor Dave shows us exactly what Jesus wants us to do when we lie or when we are lied to. Lies and deception can be destructive. But they can also be forgiven.
Don’t Block God’s Blessings Compilation – YouTube
When we fail to trust, we could be blocking God’s blessings. Pastor Jon’s series this week shows us how. Watch the entire devotional series from this week, as Pastor Jon recounts the little known story of Mephibosheth to help us see how God blesses us regardless of the challenges in our lives.
Don’t Be Afraid Before God – YouTube
Did you know that God tells us not to fear at least 80 times in the Bible? That’s a lot of reminders! The devil loves to use fear against us. God says, “Don’t be afraid.” Who are you listening to? God shows kindness to us even though we don’t deserve it.
Saving Your Self-Esteem – YouTube
Today Pastor Jon has some great guidance about how we can get out of the cycle of self-sabotage when we feel like we don’t have enough or don’t measure up. Check it out! How’s your self-esteem? Remember that your value and self-worth aren’t tied to what you’ve done.
Can You Help Those Who Can’t Help Themselves? – YouTube
It doesn’t take much to help someone out. You don’t need tons of cash or a big place for someone to stay. A little goes a long way. Why should you show love and kindness to those who don’t deserve it?
Take People at Their Word – YouTube
Did you know that telling the truth could be the pathway God uses to bless you and others? What do you do when you think someone is lying to you?
Punished for Others’ Mistakes – YouTube
You can probably think about something in your life right now that you’re dealing with because of someone else’s actions. But why is it your problem? Pastor Jon talks about that in today’s Grace Talks video. Why do we have to shoulder the burden and weight of other people’s mistakes?
Overcoming Vulnerability Compilation – YouTube
This week Pastor Jeremy looked at how, like sheep, we are vulnerable. But we have a great protector in whom we can put our trust and confidence. Watch the entire devotional series from this week, as Pastor Jeremy helps us overcome our vulnerabilities, reminding us that no matter what we feel, Jesus is always with…