Tag: devotion
Know What You Believe
Our convictions not only influence how we live and think, but they also protect us from false teaching. Source: Know What You Believe
Perfectly Placed | Our Daily Bread
Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?Job 38:4 Source: Perfectly Placed | Our Daily Bread
BOOM-CRASH-SLAP – FaithGateway
Think about your biggest, most life-upending, painful, awful sins for a moment. Don’t you hate those memories? God can, and will, use those in your life for His glory if you let Him. He gives us over to our sin that we may finally be done with it. Source: BOOM-CRASH-SLAP – FaithGateway
Called by name – Time of Grace
Source: Called by name – Time of Grace
Overflow With Something Good – Time of Grace
If we understand what God has done for us, we see things in a different light. Source: Overflow With Something Good – Time of Grace
An Amazing Inheritance – January 3, 2020 – WELS
Source: An Amazing Inheritance – January 3, 2020 – WELS
You’ve Got What It Takes – Joyce Meyer Radio Podcast
A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life. Source: You’ve Got What It Takes – Joyce Meyer Radio Podcast
God Waited | Our Daily Bread
The Lord longs to be gracious to you.Isaiah 30:18 Source: God Waited | Our Daily Bread
Look to Jesus and Live
Accepting Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf is the only way to be reconciled to the Father and receive eternal life. Source: Look to Jesus and Live
Why Should I Read the Bible? – FaithGateway
Kristen Feola encourages us to dig into Scripture and discover God Himself there! Today, make a fresh start and read the Bible! Is your goal to read the Bible more in 2020? Make the commitment! Source: Why Should I Read the Bible? – FaithGateway