Please go to THIS link for the edited video of this live press conference with a Table of Contents until Rumble has fixed the issue with new video uploads: . https://3speak.tv/watch?v=vladtepesblog/cu
Source: DOD ‘Vaccines’: Press Conference, Tues January 24, 2:30p ET . . . Start at (0:45:48)
I became aware of this press conference because there was a special podcast episode in The Patriot Party Podcast feed. It was very eye-opening since I as I’m sure many people aren’t aware of the US Department of Defense’s involvement in the “vaccine”.
Don’t believe everything you see and hear, but do your own research. There are links in the video description to the presenters’ websites where you can find more information.
I readily admit that I am not a medical professional by any means, but this video presents the information in a way that everyone should be able to understand.
Go to the 45:48 mark to get to the start of the press conference, the part before that is really just the start of the call and people making sure that everything is good.