The Christian church is once again in the season of Lent. A season of repentance and renewal.
For me, it is always hard watching the retelling of Jesus’ passion. Our church watches a portion of the movie “The Gospel According to Matthew” from 1993 (IMDb link). We also take a nail from a basket and keep it in our pockets. Then on the night of Good Friday, we take those nails and pound them into a cross in the front of our church.
It is so hard for me, knowing that it was MY sins that caused Jesus to sweat drops of blood while praying to Our Father in Gethsemane, MY sins that caused Him to be scourged and whipped to the point of tearing out pieces of flesh, and MY sins that caused him to be nailed to that ugly cross.
But God’s LOVE for fallen humanity is so deep that He sacrificed His own Son to pay the price for the sins of EVERYONE!
If Christ hadn’t suffered, died and ROSE victorious, our faith would be pointless. We would be worshipping mere idols like every other false religion in the world.
I hope and pray that you too will take some time to reflect on Christ’s passion and God’s love for you during this season of Lent.