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The Good News of Christ – By Motion Worship – YouTube

The video below is a  wonderful summary of the Gospel which means Good News.  The paintings are done by an artist who is a member of the WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod).  You can find out more about the WELS and what we believe here:

To find out more about who Jesus is, check out this site:

Friday, April 14 is Good Friday when Christians observe and remember Jesus’ suffering and death.  It is “good” because without his suffering and death we would have NO chance of getting into Heaven because of our sins.  We can not get into Heaven by our own deeds.  But thanks be to God, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to pay the price for all the sins that anyone has committed or will commit.  All God asks for us to do is trust in Him and confess our need of a Savior.

Sunday, April 16, is the greatest celebration in the Christian church, Easter (also referred to as Resurrection Sunday) because, on that day, which varies from year to year, we celebrate the empty tomb since Jesus Christ conquered death and the Devil.

If you don’t have a church home and would like to find a WELS church near you, check out this site:  If there are none near you, you can search in your favorite search engine for “churches near me”.

May you have a very blessed day.

The Good News of Christ - By Motion Worship

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