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Chit Chat Across the Pond — Overcast

Here is an interesting podcast I listen to which has a series called “Programming by Stealth” which teaches the basics of web programming starting with HTML, CSS and now JavaScript.

The show notes and download links can be found here.

The host of the podcast, Allison Sheridan hosts other podcasts as well.  Bart Busschots is a system administrator, photographer, blogger and amateur astronomer.

Since Allison is not a programmer at all she often asks Bart to explain in more detail the concepts he is talking about and that’s why it helps to listen to the podcast to understand the material being taught.

I’ve enjoyed all of the podcast episodes.  If you are wondering why it starts at episode 407 and not 1, that is because it was originally part of the NosillaCast podcast but starting in October 2015 was split off.

Give it a listen.

Source: Chit Chat Across the Pond — Overcast

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